“In Just Minutes You Can Be Building High Converting Affiliate Comparisons That Skyrocket Your Affiliate Commissions!”
Redeem this AffiliCompare Discount Coupon Code and before it expires, you will save 50% on AffiliCompare created by Kurt Chrisler. More details…
Discount Page : http://im.click/imcoupons-deal-9342894
Coupon Code : MAY50 (use on discount page above)
Expiry Date : expires in 48 hours!
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Description : With AffiliCompare Builder you can completely control the look and feel of your site and it will run right on your current theme.
Simply upload the AffiliCompare WordPress plugin to your WordPress admin and click install.
No, AffiliCompare is a WordPress Plugin so it takes about 30 seconds or less to install.
You are in complete control of how your comparison table is displayed by changing the font size and color and the border color as well.
Many affiliate sites provide no real value to visitors, which Google calls “Thin Content”. If you sites falls into this category, your hope of getting search engine traffic is non-existent. With product comparison tables you now have highly engaging content that provides REAL value to your visitors.
Shoppers want to compare multiple products before making a purchase. Without products comparison tables that would mean they just leave your site. However, a well done product comparison gives them all the info they need to make a purchase and that means commissions for YOU!
Instead of just promoting a single product on your page, you now have multiple affiliates programs for your visitors to from your product comparison table. They more options you give your visitors, the more opportunities you have to make a commission!
Yes, this is a WordPress Plugin so your website must be running on WordPress.
AffiliCompare Builder is completely mobile friendly and responsive. As long as the WordPress theme you are using is mobile optimized, your AffiliCompare content will be as well!
By allowing your to enter HTML code into any box you can insert affiliate products ads, banner ads or affiliate links.
In just minutes you have a high converting affiliate comparison table that is setup and ready to go!
Simply paste in the Shortcodes to your blog post or page in the location you want the elements to appear.
That’s all it takes! You now have a great looking affiliate comparison that will help you make more commissions.
Copyright 2020 – WP Marketer Tools – All Rights Reserved
Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
You have the ability to feature products with feature blocks. You are able to label columns with any text and color you would like.
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