“The Mighty Content Repurposing Workshop!”
Redeem this Mighty Content Repurposing Workshop Coupon Discount Code and before it expires, you will save $30 on Mighty Content Repurposing Workshop from Jennifer Burke, Mighty Marketing Mojo. Learn more below…
Discount Page : http://im.click/mighty-marketing-mojo-deal-5965011
Coupon Code : APRIL30 (redeem via discount page above)
Expiry Date : It’s only good through the 30 days of April.
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Description : All you gotta do is say YES and join me in this workshop! You’ll be consistently repurposing in no time.
For busy, smart, solopreneurs who stumble on technology or the how-to of marketing, I’m here for you! I’m Jennifer, and I am a proud marketing geek. Better yet – I’m YOUR geek. Mighty Marketing Mojo is here to help you overcome your tech struggles so you can confidently promote your business and attract more of the ‘right-for-you’ clients you love working with. Let’s find your own marketing mojo!
Join me to learn how to squeeze more drops of goodness out of your amazing, mighty content – and quit letting your hard work wither away online.
In this simple training you’ll learn what I’ve learned about content repurposing and how to successfully make it a consistent, planned part of your business. You can wow your audience with your ideas over and over. You CAN make your content work harder – not you!
Content is the backbone of promoting and marketing ANY business today. It’s everything!
You’re a smart solo pal of mine, which means you’ve probably heard of content repurposing before. Great!
And we don’t want to start thinking that maybe this whole “creating content” advice and content marketing concept is just hype – a waste of our time and energy. Or something that we solopreneurs can’t see success with the way a large business with a content team could.
Unfortunately, we were not all born as content creators. Creating the whopping amount of content our businesses need can be a pain. It could take hours (maybe days and day!) to put together decent (let alone audience-grabbing, conversion-centric) blog posts, emails, webinars, or sales pages. We spend precious time creating a brilliant blog post, engaging social media, informative webinars … and then what?
And we know it! We KNOW we don’t want content creation to be this boring, grinding time suck. We don’t want to work harder and longer. We don’t want to run out of ideas. We don’t want “content block.”
Sound familiar? Yeah, I’ve ‘been there, felt that, done that, got the t-shirt to prove it.’
Why are we tossing our hard work, our incredible ideas, our well-thought out content to the back of the closet like a once-worn bridesmaid dress or unhip concert t-shirt. It got one cool night and then it’s never seen again.
Oops. But no worries! We’ve all been there, with every reason and excuse there is. There’s still plenty of time to learn and put this to use.
BUT … I’ve also studied, learned, tested, failed, and tried again at DIFFERENT ways to “do” content.
We let our awesome ideas, our hard work, wither away – disappearing into the internet ether right after we post or launch our stuff. We excitedly, proudly even, put our stuff online – but then never do much of anything with it again.
And guess what we do next? Yep, right back on the content creation hamster wheel! We write more blog posts, pour our hearts into more emails, and let the cycle replay again.
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