“Imagine YOU Generating $68,120 in only 57 Days… Using 1 Of 10 Specific Strategies… Now Imagine a Step By Step Case Study Where You Get It ALL!”
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Description : Wow. It’s been hot here, and getting more so. We did get a break yesterday and the evening before due to lots of rain and lightning, but just wow.
So in keeping with the hot theme, we’re having another Flash Sale Fun event this weekend (renamed from Flash Sale Friday since it isn’t just on Friday, never was).
We have something really good, and you’ll save 30% off the regular price by using a special coupon code.
When Barb Ling and I purchased Sean Mize’s Warrior Plus account, one of the first gems we found was his case study of generating $68,120 in 57 days, using 10 specific strategies.
It was a step by step case study.
He was actually attempting to earn $100,000 in 30 days, so he missed the deadline and missed the goal, but still… pretty decent, don’t you think?
Would you consider that result to be a failure?
I know, I say failure is your friend all the time, and that would be extremely friendly failure in my eyes.
So how would you like to generate anywhere near that amount in the next couple months, or even half of that in twice the time?
In addition to the original case study from Sean, we added some other goodies, specifically:
1. Barb Ling went through the 115-page blueprint and wrote down detailed notes about what Sean did, and the significance of some of his decisions.
2. Barb is also including one of her famous “cheatsheets”, titled “How to Attract JVs Who Are Happy to Promote You”, since a big part of Sean’s strategy involved getting affiliates on board for his sales.
3. I’ve included a copy of my bestseller, Abundance Mindset, because I totally believe that going after big goals like this, whether or not you end up failing or succeeding beyond your wildest dreams, is a matter of having confidence that it’s all possible.
Yes, this blueprint of Sean’s was one of his best sellers when it came out a while ago, and then we added to it, and now we’re doing a Flash Sale Fun weekend promotion where you will save 30%.
So grab it early, I’m sure you’ll love it.
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