“Uncover Specific Triggers That Motivate Your Target Customer Profile & Improve All Your Marketing Results… Even if you don’t know where to start!”
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Expiry Date : November 1
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Description : What’s the difference between copy that adds cha-ching to your bank account and copy that produces nothing but a chorus of deafening silence? In a word: personalization.
Sure, you can create a web page, landing page, social post, blog post, video, infographic, or pretty much any other type of marketing piece that gets at least a few sales/leads.
But building a connection with your reader or viewer that generates enough trust and confidence for them to eagerly give you their money; that’s the holy grail of marketing communication.
Have you ever paid attention to Subaru ads?
Here are some things that are almost always present:
– Pets
– Outdoor scenes (camping, hiking, etc.)
– People dressed in casual clothes
– Family
– Safety
Safety and family make sense, but why pets, hiking and clothes? That has nothing to do with a car.
But it has everything to do with the people who buy Subaru cars, the things they love and the lifestyle they live.
Guessing at who your customer profile consists of means leaving a whole bucketload of money on the table. Why would anyone want to do that?
What’s the Solution? Easy Customer Profile Creation!
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