“Learn To Leverage The Organic Traffic Platform Like One Of The PRO’s…”
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Description : Want To Stand Out And Succeed As A Mass Marketer With OTP?
Learn from someone who is a Power User and Beta Tester of the Organic Traffic Platform and has harnessed and pushed it to the limit.
Build Millions Of Pages Daily:
Look over my shoulder as I show you how to put OTP on autopilot running from multiple machines simultaneously, while each one is building hundreds of thousands of pages for you.
See Strategies At Work:
Watch and learn as I show you several strategies that I have personally employed that are generating conversions regularly and are continuing to grow unattended.
Learn How To Track Your Progress:
Let me show you how to accurately track your OTP campaigns and conversions using tried and tested technology for conversion optimization.
Learning To Swarm Your Niche:
With the power of the LocustWare tools, let me show you how to completely SWARM your niche with the tools that are right there in your hands.
Using my methods, I show you how to separate the bot traffic from the real human clicks. You will learn how to completely SHAPE your traffic and command your creations to do your bidding.
Once you master this approach, you can simply point the “Firehose” of traffic to any offer or offers you want and presto!
I have to admit, I HATE using WordPress, but at the same time, it’s a necessary evil to do my work. It’s bloated and too vulnerable to exploits…BUT…configured properly to work with the Organic Traffic Platform, it becomes a Nuclear Missile you can point at any target you want and I’ll show you EXACTLY what you need to do.
Combined with OTP, WordPress becomes your indexing Leviathan and you are able to have it feed Google and Bing Daily.
One thing OTP and the LocustWare tools are the perfect compliment for is Local Marketing. Imagine picking any county or surrounding territory in ANY NICHE and just flat out OWNING it!
Look over my shoulder as I show you my completely automated and turnkey method of having local business owners seek me out to keep sending them leads and keeping their phones ringing.
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