“After Generating Millions Of Dollars In Profit For Our Students, We’re Raising Our Game, And Inviting You To Join Our Heavily Discounted Program, Available ONLY For The Next Few Days.. Without Spending A Single Dime On Traffic, We’ll Get You To 100,000 Visitors/Month AND A 6-FIGURE INCOME WHILE Earning Your 1st Commissions As Soon As TONIGHT!”
Use this Madsense Revolution Discount Coupon Code and for a limited time save 6% on Madsense Revolution created by Tom Yevsikov, Gaurab Borah. More info below…
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Description : If you allow me, I’ll need about 30 seconds to 1 minute of your time to explain our journey and the life of this program…
…and how we went from making 6 figures ourselves, to generating millions to customers & students, to creating the ultimate step by step, over the shoulder program that fits both beginners and grizzled, 6 figure marketers.
Our Journey From 2016 – 2020 & How We Perfected The Ultimate ULTIMATE (AND LITTLE KNOWN) Method That Now Made Students MILLIONS.
Method Discovered, Made 6 Figures Alone
In 2016, Abdullah has discovered this unique, special, weird method to drive FACEBOOK ADS TRAFFIC to Adsense sites (super simple sites) and he made 6 figures with it the following months.
Madsense Reborn, Taught The Method (Facebook Ads + Adsense) – Massive Success.
In 2017, Abdullah and us teamed up to create a ground breaking method, reviving the Adsense money goldmine and teaching students how he made 6 figures.
Madsense Reborn 2.0, Big Changes To The Method Killed Many Marketers, We Adapted And Made Many Updates To The Method.
In 2018, all marketers including us took a big hit, Adsense became a little less effective, started banning accounts, and facebook ads became way too expensive.
We released an updated, almost revamped method and the results were INSANE..
But s**t hit the fan with Adsense, they started banning accounts and paying out less, earnings were a joke, and keeping your account was getting harder.
Because as soon as someone started making BIG money with Adsense, they had their sights on them..and the rest is history.
Madsense Revamped, Lost Faith In Adsense, Taught New Monetization Methods, Paid Traffic As The Source.
At this point, Abdullah knew Adsense was no longer as effective as it used to be, so he took on coaching from multi millionaires, did a lot of testing, achieved even bigger success, WITHOUT relying on Adsense!
Still used paid traffic though..which we knew, is a problem. Especially for beginners.
Most of our successful students had some budget to start with, but many didn’t..and their success rate was LOWER.
So we were looking for ways to increase success rate.
And that’s when we realized, it’s time to change everything.
No More Paid Traffic, TONS Of Lessons Learned On How To Coach Students Properly
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