“Seize The Data: Reach blissful harmony between your data and your operations with an all-in-one AI data workspace”
Just use this Datagran Coupon Discount Promo Link and for a limited time only save $2339 on Datagran from Carlos Mendez Solano, Juan Manuel Hayek, Necati Demir. More info below…
Discount Link : http://im.click/datagran-deal-5921821
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Description : Things that are overwhelming: restaurant menus without pictures, JFK Airport, and processing mountains of data from your different sources.
You’ve got SQL data, FB ad performance, and sales funnel analytics — but stringing it together and making sense of if it all is painful.
Good thing we’re in the business of solutions here.
Say goodbye, data dilemma, and hello to Datagran.
Simplify your business growth with a workspace that lets you integrate, deduplicate with ML, and analyze data.
Automatically classify your buyers, Predict and figure out your personas, and convert them into custom or lookalike audiences.
Place and optimize your ads in Facebook, Instagram and Google. Also create email campaigns based on your clusters.
Gain insights and test out your paid and organic campaigns with deep learning.
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