“Create, Launch, and Book Out Your Services in 30 Days!”
Use this From Full-Time to Freelancer Coupon Discount Code and before it expires, you will save $100 on From Full-Time to Freelancer created by Nicole Dean, Melissa Ingold, Coach Glue. More details…
Discount Page : http://im.click/from-full-time-to-freelancer-deal-6293595
Coupon Code : 100 (use on discount page above)
Expiry Date : Tomorrow
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Description : You can teach your audience how to work on their own terms and not have to answer to anybody (but themselves).
Because here’s what you already know about them:
They work a 9-5 job, but are ready for more.
This is what wakes them up at 3am and keeps them awake.
Sure, they have a sense of security & can’t complain about the direct deposit that hits their bank account like clockwork every week from their job.
But the truth? They know that they have so much more to offer.
They’re unsatisfied, exhausted and unhappy.
And to be honest, they’re terrified that their talents are being wasted at their day job and the world might never see them if they don’t break away soon.
Let’s be real: It’s not just the job that’s a problem. They don’t have a life outside their jobs, either. They have no time for their family or friends.
And when they see a meme about self-care they laugh a sad, slightly bitter laugh. As if.
But there that’s where you come in…
Because they know there’s something shifting in the way people work.
They know there are people out there using the digital age we live in to revamp their lifestyles. They’ve noticed people making money online, on their own terms, and on their own timeline.
They’re actively searching to find training from someone who they connect with to guide them out of the grind into their own freelance business.
(Will it be you?)
They know in their hearts they could totally do what they’re seen others do.
And they are finding themselves wondering more and more what would really happen if they quit their 9-5 jobs and committed to the freelance life.
Could THEY become as carefree and happy as all those “freelancer” people they follow on Instagram? You know the ones, traveling, using all the hashtags like #lifestyle.
No doubt, they feel time slipping away. And they know that if they ever want to try their hands at the freelance life, they need to do it fast. But they also have bills to pay, a little one on the way (or just in the way) and they’re equally as scared to make the leap as they are not to.
That’s where you come in, with YOUR new course:
From Full-Time to Freelancer: Create, Launch, and Book Out Your Services in 30 Days.
BUT! Here’s what you need to know…
1) The fast-action coupon for this done-for-you package expires tomorrow at Midnight EST. When it expires, you’ll have to pay full price for it.
2) This package will only be available through our VIP Club program after Friday, August 9th. So if you want it after that date, you’ll have to become a VIP member.
So this is it! If you want to create a program to help your clients start their freelance business, do not put this off for later! Time is quickly running out to get in on both the savings and the course itself.
Click the link below to get your copy, and you can be downloading it within minutes.
Here’s What You Get When You Invest in this Package:
4 Course Lessons (43 pages, 10718 words)
– Lesson 1: How to Create a Unique Brand Identity & Website for Under $100
– Lesson 2: How to Build a Posh Portfolio that Racks Up Client Sales
– Lesson 3: How to Price Your Service Packages Without Living on Ramen
– Lesson 4: How to Land Clients with My Easy One Page Marketing Plan
– Course Workbook with Worksheets, Exercises, and Checklists: “Full Time to Freelancer” (38 pages)
– Facebook Livestream Theme Script: “5 Mindset Shifts You Must Make to Move From Employee to Entrepreneur” (20 pages) that you can read word for word.
– Facebook Livestream Launch Copy for your live or webinar that you can copy + paste to your own sign up page.
– Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Course
– 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Course on Facebook & Twitter
– 5 Blog Posts to Promote Your Course
– 3 Reasons Why People Don’t Chase Their Dreams (622 words)
– 3 Ways Your Mindset Affects Your Life (660 words)
– 3 Tiny Habits that Can Help You Shift Into a Growth Mindset (649 words)
– 3 Pages Your Business Website Absolutely, Positively Needs (681 words)
– 5 Ways to Start Your Business on a Budget (685 words)
– 5 Email Templates to Make Promoting Your Livestream & Course a Breeze
– You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Invite People to Your Free Facebook Live or Webinar Training:
– What’s holding you back from starting your business? (217 words)
– My next livestream training is all about making mindset shifts! (202 words)
– You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Sell Your Course:
– Start a New Business in 30 Days…Really! (220 words)
– Time to Get Out of Your Own Way… (228 words)
– You’ll Get this Email to Announce the Cart Close for Your Course:
– LAST CHANCE! Doors are closing soon… (166 words)
– The timer’s already running on the fast-action coupon code. Don’t Miss it!
If this From Full-Time to Freelancer Coupon Promo Code has expired, then click here to look through our database for more From Full-Time to Freelancer discounts and deals…